In this week’s Sunday Magazine in the Sun Herald, you can find a great article by Jackie Dent profiling a number of successful female executives from all walks of life. The article examines the ways in which women find the courage and determination to reach the top, recognising that overcoming past adversity is a key factor for many successful women.
Jenny Morris, CEO of the Orijen group, an executive mentoring and coaching group, has observed that senior women are the types to not let adversity get to them.
“The issue is how long does it take you to bounce back? Everybody goes down when things don’t work for them, but it depends – some people stay down, some people run away, some people give up,” she says. “Probably the thing that would be most consistent with success is that ability to reframe something, look at it differently, to have your own sense of your self and to have that resilience.”
Elizabeth Crouch, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Monash University, is also featured in this article. She says “In every stage of life, you’re going to get knockbacks. You’re going to get knockbacks in your career, in your relationships and in whatever it happens to be, and I think those sorts of tough experiences in life help you put things into some perspective.”
As a moderator for Orijen’s Executive Women’s Business Future Leaders Program, Elizabeth is an experienced and inspirational mentor who can help take your career to the next level. Former program participant and current Managing Director of Intel, Kate Burleigh, is also featured in this article. To express your interest in joining the program and meeting executive women like Elizabeth and Kate, please click here.
To read the full article in Sunday Life, please visit the SMH website.