Empowering women to
become confident


Sponsorship Is key to advancing senior women… it gives them greater opportunities to excel through increased visibility, exposure and opportunities. It involves active support by someone with significant influence on decision-making processes or structures. A sponsor advocates for, protects and champions the woman’s career advancement.

The Orijen Group Coaching.

The Sponsorship Programs

Our structured sponsorship programs identify and match high potential women with leaders who use their influence intentionally to help them advance into highly visible jobs or projects. 

Our programs includes a combination of both: 

  • One-one sponsorship. We support sponsors with guidance and tools to assist them to be effective
  • Confidential Leadership Circles. We meet sponsees regularly to share their learnings and build their leadership skills in the work environment. A wide range of development topics are presented to create stimulating and challenging content


Who benefits from sponsorship?

  • Executives seeking to:
    • Accelerate the careers of women
    • Increase the visibility and opportunities for women
    • Ensure the retention rates of high-value senior women 
    • Ensure high-quality succession planning
    • Increase the number of and level of participation by female staff
  • High-performing women who:
    • Demonstrate the potential to secure leadership positions 
    • Have participated in a mentorship program and are looking for the next level of career support
    • Do not have access to high-value networks

Our Sponsorship Clients

What our participants and clients say

The University of Sydney’s Vice-Chancellor’s Sponsorship Program for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Women.

“The benefits of this program… breaking up some (not all) of the “glass ceiling” effect and allow some of the talent that exists in the University to serve it better,  connecting the senior executives with fresh voices that were not necessarily heard so far. and putting the University ahead of other Unis for leadership training and sponsoring. The privilege of doing this program was certainly the envy of many colleagues at other universities!”


“I have received lots of advice on what circles I should mingle in, networking on a larger scale, what to ask for and how…and what is possible when you believe in yourself.”


“I have benefitted from…the insights about leadership, the provision of new networks and people from upper echelons of the university community, the realisation that we are valued members of this community.”


“This is a great program and should be embedded into the annual calendar of professional development. You could see in the room at the mid-term review how much the participants are getting out of it. Women CALD academics are doubly disadvantaged, but it would be good also to run a parallel program for male CALD academics.”


If you want to know more about our sponsorship programs, book a call today.