Orijen congratulates Tanya Plibersek MP, Member for Sydney, on her new role as Deputy Leader of the Labor Party of Australia.

Ms Plibersek is a great example of what women can achieve in politics, if given the chance to put their hand up. The daughter of immigrants, she distinguished herself in university life before making an impact in the public sector, and was elected to the Australian Parliament in 1998.
She is a strong advocate for social justice, and is a reasonable voice in politics, speaking up for women’s rights, same-sex relationship rights, paid parental leave, rights for workers, and more. In 2011, she was appointed Minister for Health.

With a vocal advocate for equal rights as Deputy Leader of the Opposition, there is no better time to promote opportunities for passionate Australian women to put their hand up to become involved in politics.

Orijen is currently in the process of setting up a new alliance with Women for Election Ireland, an organisation that inspires and equips women to succeed in politics. We want to set up a similar program here in Australia to promote balanced participation of women and men in political life.

Women for Election Australia will offer a tailored training and support program to women seeking to enter politics at all levels. We will facilitate a cross-party collaborative network of political women, committed to equal representation of women and men in Australian politics.

Thank you for your support of Orijen’s Women For Election program.

With your help, we can change the Australian political landscape and promote true gender equality in our country’s leaders.